
You Don’t Have To Be Young To Learn To Drive- Just Determined!

Well I am on a high today! Even after 22 years of driving instructor work in Glasgow I still  love when my pupils pass. Today was the turn of Rajan Thomas, one of my more mature pupils – well, only seven years older than myself.

Often it does take a wee bit longer when a mature learner takes to the wheel, but also they are often completely blown away by their success, and so they should be. I must admit when i was a younger man i probably was “ageist” in the sense that i thought anyone over 50 was   not going to achieve much more in life. How naive I was! Personally, I have never felt more energised in business and if anything i have found myself working harder and longer than ever before. Rajan, like so many of my contemporaries, proves with his achievement that with will and determination anyone can succeed. My advice would be “Go For It” – don’t let anyone hold you back.

As a youth i may have hated the man i have become. But, then again, as Mark Twain said, “Youth is wasted on the young!”