
Driving Home The Lesson In Bearsden – A “Really Good” Place To Start

These days i notice many of my Bearsden pupils are fortunate enough to have the help of their parents giving them extra  “private practice.” This can really help pupils overall experience, and help them build confidence – if done correctly. One of the first questions i will ask a pupil is if they will have the opportunity for private practice, and if so I will speak to parents to let them know where i can help. Not all instructors may be so proactive as this, but when approached a few words with the local driving instructor/school for Bearsden can give great direction to this type of practice. Beware though, because without this rapport an over- enthusiastic mum or dad can easily take their offspring into very dangerous territory where the learner is completely out of their depth.

Take for instance, that the learner will normally need time to get used to a different type of vehicle, where the controls are situated, and how it handles. The majority of driving instruction vehicles are diesel engined – changing to petrol can be tricky to master clutch control. Ancillary controls such as wipers and light switches may be located in an entirely different position. The gears and pedals  may well feel unfamiliar, and, the vehicle may well be much more powerful and larger in size.

Considering the above, do you really want to let your child loose on Canniesburn Toll or Pendicle Rd. without firstly finding out what they can do or giving them a chance to get used to a different car?  Take them to somewhere quiet and build car control before getting too adventurous. Avoid the “jump in at deep end” scenario – you may both drown…
Most a.d.i’s would be more than happy to discuss the progress of their pupil and give direction to private practice. If I am aware my pupil can handle Crossroads fluently but struggle with reversing to the left, whats the point in parents doing more Crossroads? Parents may not be sure where to take their children for reverse left driving practice during driving lessons in Bearsden – but I do and i would be happy to help!

Personally, i really enjoy when parents get involved, and i will go out of my way to offer advice, teamwork can work! If you are thinking of enrolling your son or daughter for driving lessons in the area of Bearsden, why not call Really Good Driving School? We are the local experts.