
New Driving School Passes at Anniesland


Kirsty Does It!Couldn’t have wished for a better instructor. Always reassuring and patient,clearly explains everything so it makes sense. Never rushed onto new things until ready which boosted my confidence 100%. So happy to have passed and would urge anyone to contact Really Good Driving School for a smooth stress free road to success 🙂

For more “Really Good Driving School Glasgow” passes, click here.

Tyre Safety

Tyre Safety
During one of my most recent, all too frequent trips to a reliable tyre fitting company, I found myself looking at several large stacks of used, damaged and worn tyres.

I found myself drawn to the condition of some tyres, some of which had clearly been used well beyond the legal 1.6mm limit when they should have been replaced. Others were worn through the rubber compound and the base canvas was exposed and frayed.

Both of these examples had clearly been used well beyond their safe use on the public roads – the same roads you and I use every day.

So why is this a problem?

If you are driving with tyres with diminished tread you will find it harder to stop, you will have less grip to the road so if you need to stop abruptly you’ll be crossing your fingers as well as breaking.

Tyres that are too worn or structurally compromised will, at some point, fail.  This is commonly referred to as a blow out, and this will lead to an accident with little to no warning.

Consider this case study  – John see’s that it’s a nice day and decides to go for a drive. He puts the roof down, the stereo up, chair back, one hand on the wheel , the other arm resting on the door and sets off for a relaxing drive. On his journey he joins a dual carriageway which is a 40 MPH road, at this speed he is covering 17.88 metres per second (That is just under 60ft in old money) Another car is passing him in the other lane when suddenly he hears a bang coming from the front corner of his car, he spends the next 2 thirds of a second thinking about what has happened, during those precious moments he travels 12 metres and his car veers uncontrollably towards the passing car and collides with the back corner of it causing it to spin out of control.

You can make up the rest of that story yourself or simply open a random news paper and it may well be a contributory factor to one of the many “Driver loses control” stories.

So what good habits and practices could John have done to prevent this incident from happening?

  • Regularly  check the condition of your tyres – at least once a week
  • Ensure you always check them before you begin a long journey.

What am I checking for?

  • Wear and general condition
  • The pressure of each tyre

How do I do it?

  • Have a visual check of the tyre, ensure there are no cuts, scrapes, gouges or any other form of damage. Tyres often exhibit distressed cracking as they age too.
  • Check the tread depth all round the tyre. It should be 1.6mm across the central 75% of the tyre. Helpful tip – Every tread has several guides that are 1.6mm around the circumference.
  • Check the pressure when they are at cold, when the car hasn’t been driven recently.
  • Ensure the pressure gauge is reliable – the gauges at petrol stations are not always well maintained, calibrated or accurate.
  • Remember to replace the dust caps when finished.
  • You also have a spare tyre so remember to check that too.

Gift Cards to Any Value – Special Occasions Sorted!

Perhaps you are fed up driving your partner or family around? Is it time they need to get their wheels turning and they just need a wee nudge? Maybe it is time to introduce them to the independence of being able to drive – and also give yourself a break! Here, at Really Good Driving School we can provide the perfect solution with our Gift Cards, which make the ideal Christmas or Birthday present.
Call us on 07703 575 448 and we will help you get your gift solutions sorted. Our talented instructors and top of the range tuition vehicles are ready to go!

Bank Holiday Driving Tips – Avoiding Breakdown

Bank Holiday Driving Tips

It’s a busy time for road rescue services as motorists head of for the weekend. Problems such as running out of fuel and batteries going flat can ruin weekend breaks and could be avoided by just a few simple precautions.

Here are some top tips to use before setting off

Check coolant and brake fluid and oil levels
Check condition of  alternator  drive belt
Check tyre pressures when they are cold. Remember spare tyre.
Check all electrics including brake lights, heaters, demisters, indicators, lights
Check windscreen wipers condition for wear and tear


Psychometric testing of existing driving licence holders.

Aggressive Drivers Identify with Their Car

Psychometric testing of existing driving licence holders is a method of gaining some insight of a drivers road risk. In this blog, I want to look at its relevancy for our driving population, and how it could be implemented, even on learner drivers, who often have inherent ideas and emotions on driving matters.
In forums and media outlets, a common theme for discussion on driving, is that of on-going practical testing of existing licence holders. I find it hard to envisage this ever coming to fruition as there just aren’t enough resources to re-test our current licence holders – apart from those ordered to re-sit tests by a court.

One partial solution – and one widely used by insurance companies and authorities – is to conduct psychometric testing of drivers. Basically, this involves asking drivers a series of questions based around their attitude to certain aspects of motoring, which build up to produce a picture of  an individual drivers attitude. This helps predict how they may be likely to react in certain circumstances. A score is derived from the answers drivers give, and their risk liability is then quantified.  I am sure many could find fault with this system, but it does seem to be gathering kudos in the driving industry.

Given that road traffic accidents cost both companies and local authorities considerable a financial expense, not to mention the awful human costs and emotional tarriff of such events, many companies such as Arriva and Scotrail are using psychometric testing to reduce both cost and casualties. It would appear this has had a significant benificial impact.See this B.B.C. report.

Although this report suggests Arriva cut their fatality rate by almost one third, it would be wrong to think this was all down to psychometric testing. Arriva also implemented a policy of using dipped headlights on their buses at all times, for instance.

A Typical Psychometric Test Question
“The speed limit on the Motorway should be lowered to 60m.p.h.”
Do You: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

Driver Attitude Survey

Some interesting recent statistics  show:

  • In  Europe study, 80% of drivers believe that  another driver could have prevented the accident they were involved in.
  • Only 5% admitted fault on their part.
  • A majority of drivers thought they were above average  drivers in both  safety and driving skill.
  • Most drivers have the tendency to think that accidents only happen to other people, but will never happen to themselves. Yet, statistics demonstrate that most drivers will have an accident within the first 2-5 years of attaining a driver licence, especially if they’re under the age of 25.

Even if to make drivers more aware of their own attitude and vulnerability it’s hard to argue that psychometric testing could do any harm, and might just be another useful tool in the quest to keep our roads and population safe.




Responsibility – One of The Vital Qualities Of Safe Driving

Responsibility – one of the  vital qualities of safe driving. I came across this D.S.A. video and thought it quite a powerful message. I can’t emphasise enough that getting a licence is just the first step to driving. What we do with that licence has an effect on so much more people than the driver. Case studies in theory tests can help foster responsible attitudes. So can driving instructors, mums and dads and peers. Education is so vital to understanding the dangers of irresponsible driver behaviour, so i unashamedly recommend you take a look at this short film.

First Driving Lesson – A “Really Good” Place To Start

It’s that first driving lesson; the one where you don’t know the instructor, but your friend says they’re “reallygood;” the one where you have to get to know lots of different controls and levers- but someone told you about A.B.C. – Accelerator, Brake and Clutch, the one where you might actually have to move and stop a car.

In truth,  how people feel about their first driving lesson is an  uniquely individual emotion. From those who are raring to go to others who may be filled with trepidation, its a journey- no pun intended- most of us will make.  So here is a little summary of what to expect and how you can prepare for that first driving lesson.

  • Bring along both parts of your provisional licence
  •   footwear – avoid heavy boots and high heels
  • If you wear glasses, bring them along
  • If you have passed the Theory test, bring the certificate along.
  • Relax

Your instructor should arrive punctually, and introduce themselves. They should go over necessary documentation with you, and explain a bit about learning to drive. During this time the instructor will usually ask you if you have any driving experience, or if you are likely to receive private practice.

Some pupils just cant wait to get going, and can identify and explain the function of the controls without any hesitation. Others will need an expaination and instructors will take time to make sure that familiarisation with the vehicle controls is confirmed before any actual driving can take place.

The next step is usually to go over the “Cockpit Drill.” Getting the seating position correct is crucial to being able to control a vehicle, again the instructor will supervise this and ensure the drill is completed safely. It should be noted that the instructor may well demonstrate the cockpit drill and how to operate the controls smoothly. Even on the way to a suitable – normally quiet  – location, the instructor can be demonstrating and explaining.

Depending on the duration of the lesson, and how long it takes to complete the above, some moving off and stopping can take place, sometimes more. The important pont is that the instructor works at a pace suitable to the individual learner – which can vary greatly – and that a working relationship begins to form with the pupil and their instructor. After all, much of successful driver training relies on effective teamwork.

Please visit the “Learner Resources” page on the main website, which goes in to some detail over controls, cockpit drill, moving off, and stopping.

“Baby on Board”

 “Baby on Board!” What is the first thing you think of when you see a sign  as you approach another vehicle, advising  of this?   The first thought in my head is a scene from the Simpsons, the one with the barber shop quartet song, quickly followed by a quote from the same episode “Now people will stop intentionally ramming our car”

The implication of these notifications is that special care is required which always gets me wondering with whom do the presumed extra responsibilities lie. Is it on the driver of the vehicle behind to keep a greater distance or is it the responsibility of the parent, aunt, grandparent or whoever is displaying the sign to ensure they are driving well and safely?

For the driver following behind, the case seems to be clear.  Adequate clearance is a basic safety precaution for everyone but it is sadly, massively abused or ignored. We give each other personal space on trains, in shops etc so why do we choose to harass and intimidate others when we are left in charge of a one ton metal box?

As for the family member who has felt the need to display this sign. The child is in their care so surely they should be taking all care possible, leaving lots of space, planning well ahead, not speeding. Essentially doing everything they can not to put that child in a position of danger.

The answer to me is clear – These declarations displayed on the back of vehicles should not be necessary at all – after all, all drivers should be driving safely, with adequate clearance, with due care and attention. We are all taught these basic rules from the very first day when we start to learn to drive- or  at least all “Really Good Driving School Glasgow” pupils are.

I know this is an ideal world situation but consider that everyone is precious and valuable to someone no matter what age they are.  So next time your following another vehicle take a moment and think, “do I have as much space in front of me as I’d like the car behind to give me.”

You Don’t Have To Be Young To Learn To Drive- Just Determined!

Well I am on a high today! Even after 22 years of driving instructor work in Glasgow I still  love when my pupils pass. Today was the turn of Rajan Thomas, one of my more mature pupils – well, only seven years older than myself.

Often it does take a wee bit longer when a mature learner takes to the wheel, but also they are often completely blown away by their success, and so they should be. I must admit when i was a younger man i probably was “ageist” in the sense that i thought anyone over 50 was   not going to achieve much more in life. How naive I was! Personally, I have never felt more energised in business and if anything i have found myself working harder and longer than ever before. Rajan, like so many of my contemporaries, proves with his achievement that with will and determination anyone can succeed. My advice would be “Go For It” – don’t let anyone hold you back.

As a youth i may have hated the man i have become. But, then again, as Mark Twain said, “Youth is wasted on the young!”